I headed up the Grandes Montets yesterday for a bit of a slide. Being the weekend it was a wee bit busy with only the Bochard open, the Marmottons 2 man chair and the dream Forrest chair. It was a bit windy high up but the snow was pretty good and once you got going it was pretty nice on the piste and great to be out sliding again.
Its pretty rocky underfoot on the Grandes Montets and whilst a lot of people were venturing off piste I think it pretty wise to hold back a little in the early days until the snow pack starts to build up a little more and you don't have to be quite as cautious!
There'll be time for powder before too long don't you worry!
Most courses are now full but here's an update on availability!
We have just had a cancellation today and one space is now available on the 3 day Off piste clinic 28th March to 1st April (riding days 29th, 30th, 31st).
1 place remains on the post season 3 day tech clinic 27th to 31st Dec (riding days 28th, 29th and 30th).
A couple of places remain on the 21st to 28th Feb Tech clinic.
1 place remains on the Advanced BC course 7th to 14th March.
1 place remains on the BC Intro 14th to 21st March
Places are available on the 3 day Off piste and 3 day BC Intro the week of the 18th to 25th April.
The Mont Blanc summit week has one place remaining (but if there is demand I will open another group of 2 for this week).
I'm still toying with the idea of running a snowboard touring week in the Ortler Alps 11th to the 18th April. If you're interested in this tour let me know (a couple of people are already up for it!)
Also if anyone is interested in pre Christmas coaching or guiding I will be available weekends throughout December (half days £280 full day £450 for up to 6 people).
Its been raining in the valley today but snowing above 1800m so it should be getting good up the hill. I'll probably nip up there for another look and slide in the next couple of days and will let you know.
Final news, I just signed a sponsorship deal with 'Giro' for helmets and eyewear and so will sporting Giro helmets this coming winter. I've never really ridden in a helmet before, I started out in the pre helmet era and never converted but figured it was finally time to get smart. The Giro goggles also look very good and I'm looking forward to trying them out.
I'll be riding the Salomon Special 11 magnum 166 for most things this winter, the relay bindings as usual and the new Salomon Malamute boots, very good kit!
If anyone has any questions on snowboard kit, stances, technique or BC advice just let me know and check out my new blog site 'Ask McNab snowboarding!'
You can find the link through the web site.
Enough ramblings, got to get on the Turbo soon for a bike session.
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