Yesterday the sun came out down the valley so I figured dry roads and headed out for a beasting on the bike. I figured it might be the last ride for a while and had nothing else planned for the day and so hit a few big climbs and really powered out the legs. Just got back to the car around midday when the mobile rang, Jes and Chris (from the TSA) were on the way to Cham for an afternoons riding and asked me if I'd come up for a charge about. The legs were feeling beat but I'm not one to shy away from some more exercise and so headed straight up the Grands Montets for a great afternoons riding. Nice!
Mr Jones, who I was riding with the other day (see previous news) movie premiered some of his latest footage at the MBC in Chamonix the other night. I unfortunately missed the event but heard it was pretty impressive and I'm sure will get to see it sooner or later. An inspirational rider and character who I hope to hook up with in the future for some interesting projects.
Looks like we have some more snow coming in later in the week, a bit of sun in the meantime though so might even get the bike out for another session before the winter hits for good.
Really looking forward to getting stuck into this seasons courses now, I'm enjoying snowboarding more than ever, it already feels amazing and I feel inspired to pass on and share my passion for the mountains and the pleasure I get from being in them and riding down them.
If you are booked on a course with me this coming winter I hope you're already getting excited about it. Start getting some leg and aerobic fitness together so that you can get the most out of your time on the mountain, Cycling and Yoga is my tip for the top!
If you haven't booked a course yet but want to get out and join me we have only a few limited places left so you need to get in touch with Ruth here in the office for availability or possible cancellation updates (which I will also post on the courses page on the web site).
If you have any snowboard or equipment related questions don't hesitate to contact me, I have started a Q&A blog and just posted some more questions and answers on there so check it out through the link on the home page at mcnabsnowboarding.com
All is good, hope you're looking forward to the winter as much as me and of course Christmas too!
2010 is going to be amazing!
Can you feel it?
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