Just back in the Chamonix valley after a fantastic 2 week break to the sea and sun.
We'll be starting to get things together now for the final run in to the winter season, the office has been closed for the past 2 weeks so Ruth will be trawling through all the email inquiries that came in whilst we were away this next week and I'll start making my final preps for the coming winter.
Just before we left I attended the premier showing of the new Jeremy Jones movie, 'Deeper' at the cinema in Chamonix, presented by the man himself, Mr Jeremy Jones who I had a good chat with before the showing.
We had a good chat about future projects both with filming for his next movie and developing our alliance for working together in the future with some very exciting possibilities both for me and for you guys if all goes well. He has asked me to look out for prime locations for filming for the next Deeper project so if the snow is good in Greenland this year I'll be scouting far and wide whilst out there in May.
Anyone who hasn't seen the 'Deeper' movie should definitely give it a look. Very inspirational and very slightly mad at times, some steep and deep like never filmed or ridden before in insanely desolate locations. Our very own Photographer (my neighbour here in Chamonix) Dan Milner makes a short appearance and was also there in the evening to help present the film. Dan has been shooting regularly with Jeremy over the past few years and was on location in Alaska for some of the 'Deeper' filming living life through one of the most insane snow storms you'll ever see on film. The tents just simply get buried in the snow.
It reminded me of our trip to Russia one year when we had 6 meters of snow fall in 5 days!
Luckily for us we weren't tent bound and the lifts were running!
We came back to Chamonix to find snow along the side of the roads, a sign that the snow ploughs had been out whilst we were away! The mountains have good cover, Mont Joly over les Contamines way is covered nicely so there's snow lying well below 2000m. Not enough to get the skins out yet but its definitely coming. Its a bit milder today however so I'll get out on my bike and get some miles in the legs after my 2 week respite. I know that it will feel hard but the rewards are always worth the effort and I need to start getting my legs ready for the long winter ahead.
Ok, enough of my ramblings for now. If you're coming out on a course this winter start waxing your board and get your fitness on the go, no slacking, we have work to do this season!
Anyone waiting for an e-mail reply will hear from Ruth in the next day or two. Looks like there's a lot of inquiries and not many places left, I'll up date the course availability info once I know more and you can check the New 'latest info' box on the home page for the latest updates.
that's all for now!
All is good in Chamonix!
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