Wednesday, 12 May 2010

2010/11 courses are now online!

I've just posted the new calendar of courses for 2010/11 on the web site and the bookings have already started!

You'll find all our regular classics plus a few new exciting additions, so I hope you'll find the program as exciting as we do.

I'm really trying to push the idea of the progression from 'Tech clinic' (On piste to Off Piste technique) to 'Off Piste performance clinic' (Off Piste technique to easy access Backcountry riding) and then onwards 'beyond technique' with the specialist Backcountry program.

The Backcountry Program starts with the BC Intro and then progress's through BC Freeride, Advanced BC Freeride (ratio 1-3), the new additions with the BC Freeride Splitboard courses, the new BC Splitboard touring course and then on to the expeditions.

2009/10 was my best season yet with regards running courses and I'm super excited as to how things are progressing. We still get a few people under estimating the levels of the courses and so I re-iterate that all our courses are designed for strong intermediate and advanced riders looking to perfect their skills and develop their awareness and enjoyment of the high mountains.

The 'Technical clinic' is, in my opinion, probably our most important course with regards your riding progression and is the course that I recommend everyone should do, with a guided discovery style exploration of what is 'Perfect Snowboard technique'!

The 'Off Piste Clinic' follows on from where the 'Tech Clinic' leaves off and looks more at 'the importance of matching your movements and line to the mountains terrain'.

The 'BC courses' go beyond the 'Clinics' and beyond technique and explore the amazing natural terrain to be found out amongst the high peaks and the safety aspects that go hand in hand with riding out there.

Our first level 'BC' course the 'BC Intro' shouldn't however be under estimated! This course is definitely not a lower level course, technically, than our follow on 'BC Freeride' courses. The main difference, I'd say, is that the 'BC Intro' is designed for those that haven't yet explored the 'Fine Art' of riding in the 'Backcountry' and so it involves a lot more safety and BC access training than the follow on courses, (which are designed for those that have already covered these aspects on previous courses).

All the courses will be now 5 days, Monday to Friday (unless otherwise stated). This gives you the possibility of coming out early if you want to get yourself warmed up or having a chill out day or 2 after the course and gives me an extra day to recover!

The Splitboard courses are already proving popular! only been on line a few hours!! and I'm personally looking forward to these new additions. Last season was my first season for year were I didn't do a single 'Heli drop' and although this wasn't necessarily due to a new 'green policy' I do like the idea of developing more eco friendly ways of accessing the deeper reaches of the high mountains as promoted by 'Jeremy Jones' and his movie project 9cleverly named) Deeper.

I think many of you are already aware of my new links with Jeremy's new board company 'Jones Snowboards' and I'm super excited to be a part of this progression and to be riding for a company with such a good ethos and outlook for the future. Plus the boards are designed specifically for the riding that I do and just simply love!

The Splitboard courses will be supported by Jones Snowboards and the Jones 'Solution' splitboard along with 'Sparkr&d' bindings.

I'm just super stoked on this new development and where it might lead to!!

This coming winter I'll not be running the BC Summits course (the Mont Blanc ascent/descent week) but will run this again the following winter 2012.

The Kashmir trip to Gulmarg will also get a gap year until 2012. This is a region I'm super keen to get back to as the potential is amazing but I'm also in need of another trip to Norway and Greenland and so for 2010/11 will be running trips to these locations instead.

Both Norway and Greenland really suit the 'Splitboard' approach and so I'm super excited about exploring the possibilities that this mode of access will bring to these super exciting locations.

I'm still working on details for Greenland but the basic plan is all in place and the minor details will follow soon.

Anyway, I hope you'll all find something to suit and satisfy your needs and desires in the new program.

If you find any mistakes in there let us know as I've been stuck to my lap top far to long and its all becoming a bit of a blur.

Its still snowing loads up high in the mountains out here but the roads are dry and clear so enough office work for now, I'm off out on my bike!

All is good in Chamonix!


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