So we're all done! It seems like ages since I first stepped onto my board last December but now having finally stepped off it again it also seems like it was just the other day!
Kind of weird really! I've been, pretty much, riding 6 days a week since the start of the year and now its over I'm kind of wondering and thinking about when I'll get back up riding again.
Jeremy (Jones) dropped me a line to say I'll have one of the first Wide JONES 'Flagship' boards to leave the factory in a couple of weeks (these are the last of the Flagship range to be pressed) so I guess I'll have to head up the Midi or the Helbronner to give that a try out at some point which is quite exciting! Shame about the timing but I'm going to be riding them all next winter too so there's something else to look forward too as well.
I've been going through all the course details and dates for next year and so they should be all online after the weekend. They're ready to go, but Ruth doesn't want to be answering the phone or stuck in the office all weekend so she's forbid me to put them on line today. We've already got a lot of interest for next years courses and quite a lot of names penciled in already so we'll be ready to take bookings as of the start of next week.
I'm already excited about next seasons courses and have been organizing the Norway and Greenland trip details this morning which should be amazing. Greenland needs a little bit more research as I'm looking at going to a new region, but Norway (the Lyngen Alps) is a location I've already visited with a trip and I'm really excited to be going back. Next winter I'm also adding new BC Freeride Splitboard courses (in collaboration with 'JONES Snowboards') and I'm hoping that this will open up new possibilities for the future including the Norway Lyngen Trip and Greenland, which will suit perfectly the use of a splitboard.
These splitboard courses should really open the doors to a new world of BC access and I'm looking forward to opening up new possibilities both here and around the World with regards this approach. Mr Jones, who has been touring the globe for the past few years with his splitboard for his 'Deeper' film project, is right behind the new courses and will also market them on his 'Jones Snowboards' website so expect them to book up pretty quickly! He will also look at the possibility of joining us on one of the courses if his schedule allows! He's a busy guy though so we'll see what happens on that front.
The Greenland project will follow the same sort of ethos as the last trip in an expedition style from a self contained base camp. For 2011 I'm looking at locating further North in the Liverpool Land region where the peaks are slightly bigger, The terrain looks amazing, the weather is more stable and the snow, by all accounts, should be good. As before there will be 6 places available on a first come first served basis and we'll have the option of taking the splitboards for easy touring access. Should be amazing!
Of course there will also be the usual progression of courses from 'Tech clinics' to 'Off piste clinics' through to the ever popular 'Backcountry Intro' course all with the underlying aim of making you a better rider and introducing you to the 'fine art of riding mountains'.
It's been a great winter 2010, I particularly remember riding amazing tree runs in Courmayeur from dawn until dark. I remember scoring so many fresh lines from trips up the Grandes Autannes and Col du Passon. I had some amazing experiences with first tracks in the Valley Blanche and I remember my 'week of the winter' which was without a doubt the Advanced BC week, that I shared with Dick, Ian and Mikey. First lines everywhere, new spots and old fav's plus some last day 'extreme' thrown in for good measure!
I always get a kick out of seeing everyone click with the technique on the Tech clinics and Off Piste Performance courses (in my opinion these are the courses that essential to your progression) and it was amazing to see some of you coming back to redo these technical courses and to see how much your riding had changed since last time and how far it progressed again, in particular big Paul Jacob's and Steve Locker who have both done Tech clinics and Off Piste clinics before and who's riding is now reaching a very high level.
Having said that, I've ridden with a lot of very good riders this winter and it would be impossible to name everyone so I'm just already looking forward to riding with you all again next year! Anyway, you know who you are! Yeah, just you, the ones who got their course certificate on the last day!!
Ruth now gets a load of e-mails from everyone who didn't get a certificate!
So I clarify, there is no certificate! I can get my daughters to make badges for next winter though if you want them!
Anyway the feedback was amazing for this season so thanks for your comments and I'm glad you enjoyed the courses. It's pretty much been snowing non stop since last weekend, down to 2200m and the Grand Montets is open until Sunday but for me its now Biking time, before I get back up in the mountains for the summer Guiding season.
I've been out a couple of times this last week, in between rain showers, and am slowly bringin the cycle fitness back on line. Unfortunately for me, Jonny (Jonny Baird who some of you have met in the past, small, strong, Scottish Guide who was in Greenland with me last trip) has gone and upgraded to a full carbon bike which unfortunately has speeded up his hill climbing ability, cheat! I also went out with Jon Bracey yesterday (another guiding friend) who I'd say, could easily be one of the World fittest individuals.
Obviously if you're looking for an ego boost on the bike these are 2 characters to avoid and not as I did 2 individuals to join for your first outings of the season. Fortunately for me they've both now gone back to Blighty for some family visiting stuff, and to eat pies no doubt and so I'm going to get out of the office right now and get back on the bike for some serious training!
Well maybe!!
Maybe I'll just eat pies too.
All is good in Chamonix, look out for new course dates on line early next week!