Thanks to you all for your kind messages and thoughts.
Keep them coming!
This is a hard classic route only for very experienced climbers, it was Keith's first ever go at climbing!
Your messages!
Mel, Neil, Ruth and all at McNab, I'm sure you've had loads of messages already but I just wanted to add my own. I was so saddened to hear about Keith and I'm sorry for you all. I did a couple of your courses during my Cham season in 2007. Keith was a brilliant rider, a first-class teacher and a thoroughly decent bloke. You never forget a good teacher and I'm sure there are hundreds of riders who'll have fond memories of Keith for the rest of their lives. Best wishes to all of you.
Joe (Joeseph Koppel)
Dear Mel I was so sorry to read of Keith's accident, my heart goes out to you and little Arran. i wish you all the best, in many respects the McNab team show us all the way in terms of living the dream, most of us dont have the courage to do it, sadly the risk in the hills is always present, Keith and yourself had that courage. Very best wishes Hugo
Hugo Williamson
I wanted to write and say how sorry I was to hear about Keith. We didnt know him well but my memories of his riding, skills , personality and signature back flip will always remain with me. He will be greatly missed and Cham. will not be the same without him.
Tony Salisbury
Im so sorry to hear the tragic news of Keith and I hope Mel and family will in time be ok.
Roddy (Roddrick Anderson)
Hi Neil,
We heard about Keith's death late on Tuesday night and just could not
believe what we were hearing.
We are all so, so sorry for Mel, Arren, you and Ruth and all Keith's
many colleagues and friends throughout the World.
Keith had been the inspiration to our Neil's snowboarding career since
he went on his first McNab junior course in 2003 and then rode with
the McNab Junior team until last year. Even when no longer riding
with McNab's, Keith would often send him an email asking how he was
doing, what he was competing in, how was life at University etc, etc.
At last years Brits, Keith and I had a long talk one night at the bar
on his hopes and aspirations for Mel and himself, I just can't believe
he's no longer here to make those dreams a reality.
Can you please pass on all our sympathy and thoughts to Mel and let us
know any arrangements for Keith's funeral, whether it is in France or
We can't even begin to imagine how life will be for you all without
Robin, Jackie, Natalie and Neil Stead
Hey Neil,
Just wanted you know know my thoughts are with you and Mel and all
your families
Posy (Posy Dixon)
I am so sorry to hear the desparately sad news. Keith always had time
for me when with you and said hello when we invariably bumped in to
each other when not on a trip. By coincidence I am in Cham this
weekend and will go out tomorrowand ride with him in my thoughts. If
there is any practical help I can be please call me
Neil Harper.
A tragic loss to everyone who knew him,a great guy with a great passion in the sports loved and experience he shared with many of us, my thoughts are for his family.
Paul Fargin.
I didn't know Keith personally however we produced a TV project that he was involved with. I think the strength and good nature of his character comes through in the film which was about realizing the aspirations of a blind man who wanted to do a heli drop on a snowboard.
The film can be seen here:
My sincere condolences to all his family and friends.
I had the pleasure of Keiths guidance and company on a course in '08, a true inspiration. thinking of you all in Chamonix,
kindest regards
Dave. (Dave Emery)
Dear Neil,
We just read the increadibly sad and tragic news about Keith on your website.
We are so sorry and our thoughts and sympathy go out to Mel, Arren, you and rest of the McNab team.
Steve & Asmaa
I know this is a very unusual message but I am an old friend of Kieth Macintosh's that has heard the terrible news and I am at a loss on how to get details of when and were my friend Mackie is going to be laid to rest. We were best mates all through primary and secondary school and right up until we started to "grow up" and do our own things. I would like to know if you could please ask Melanie to confirm my details and send me information on when and where Mackie will be getting laid to rest? I was raised in Glasgow but have been living in S.Wales for the last 16 years but if you could just tell Melanie that Vowlesy was trying to get in touch and that all of the old boys in Glasgow are desperate to get some info to show our respects then I am sure she will be able to vouch for this strange message. I have never heard of so many grown Glasgow men break down in tears on the phone and I am starting to go off on one again.
Thank you very much. Mark Vowles.
I've just read the terrible news about Keith, and, as you were very close friends, I just wanted to express how sorry and sad I feel for you.
All my thoughts are with Mel and Arren, and with you.
Claire (Claier Delcour)
Dear Mel
I have just heard the tragic news about Keith. I have passed on the news to many of my friends who also knew you and Keith and everyone is shocked and sad. Words are useless at times like this, but I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you and you have our condolences.
Ian & Liz
Hi Mel/Neil
I have just found out the tragic news about Keith, I cannot believe
such a thing could happen to such a genuine guy. I admired and
respected him because he did what we would all like to do but haven't
got the bottle, he moved out there and did it.
You are all in my thoughts at this difficult time, please let me know
If I can be of any help.
Please let me know about the funeral arrangements because I would like
to pay my last respects to such a great man.
Thinking of you
Andy Cook
So shocked to hear the news about Keith, it was great to meet and ride with him and I know my nephew was greatly impressed by him. My thoughts go to Mel and Arren.
Chris Loftus
Dear Mel and Neil, I sit at me computer in Cape Town, South Africa and weep as I read the news about Keith. In the short time that I knew him, he touched me as a gentle man of deep integrity and of course a great love for the mountains. Mel, I can't imagine the grief you must be feeling now. May the God of the universe in some way bring you comfort. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Lots of love,
Jeremy Gibbon
Dear Neil
Rich and I are heartbroken at the news and can't believe it.
We are so very very sorry for Mel, their families and you guys in Chamonix.
Lots of Love George (ex Kommunity summer camper and McNab chalet visitor) xxx
Georgie Power (nee Herridge)
hello from jake and diane chadwick, i was on some of the mcnab junior development camps, and just wanted to pass my regards on to mel and family, keith was a great guy and a wicked coach, and he really inspired me, I’m now nearly 20 at uni in plymouth, and a basi 2 instructor and this is hugely down to the inspiration from keith,
thank you,
Jake Chadwick.
Dear Mel, Graham Emmery just emailed and let me know the sad news about Keith. He was an amazing guy and rider defo! He was living the life! my thoughts and wishes go out to you and your son Arren.
All the best
Andy (Croker)
I am so sorry and sad to hear this news. Keith was a brilliant, lovely guy - not only a fantastic snowboarder - that goes without saying - but great at encouraging the best out of people. I will never forget how helpful, patient and considerate he was to me when I was starting out and I was all rubbish and scared - riding alongside me, saying positive things and them waiting for me when I was too slow to keep up.Later on, I got to really admire his style, jibbing about, making the most of the piste - showing you great fun stuff to try out and stretch your abilities.He will be very, very much missed.
Tragic news.I will always remember the day in Feb 09 when we boarded from La Tour into Switzerland, we laughted our heads off all the way down, what a day, thanks Keith you were a great man.
Andy Cook
I feel very previledged to have had the opportunity to ride with him on a number of occasions. He was an inspiration.
Such a tragic loss. Keith, it was a pleasure.
My thoughts are with Mel, family and close friends.
Keith was a great guy. An inspiation to most of us in the way he led his life. My thoughts are with Mel and family.
Tragic news, such a top bloke, an inspiration to many including myself.
Mel, my deepest sympathies to you and Arren.
Dave Mac
I had the pleasure of riding with Keith on an Off-piste clinic last year. Top bloke and great instructor. He will be sorely missed. Deepest sympathies to Mel and Arren.
Carl Edgar
We heard today, and it came as a complete shock. Having recently spent a week in Laax with him, my daughter is devastated by the news. Keith spent so much time coaching and encouraging her, it was good to see someone that was so dedicated and professional. Our thoughts are with Mel and the family. We too offer our sincerest condolences, and I just hope that these posting give some comfort.
Me and Kat are totally gutted by this news. our snowboarding wouldnt be anywhere without you both.
I had real problems as a beginner with my arse sticking out. Keith said to me that without even looking he knew the problem was my highbacks. he was spot on and my riding improved instantly.
our very first exposure to the McNab way of riding was you asking Keith to show us how it was done. Those 5/6 turns he did down the L2A glacier were something so amazing i still tell my friends about it. It was like watching perfection. Whenever I get myself into a sketchy situation, I always recall that 10 second image to calm me and remind me what needs to be done.
Kat and I offer our sincerest condolences to Mel, Arren and all those who got to meet such a total legend.
Keith was a great coach, a stylish rider and just a nice person to be on the mountain with. His friendly and easy going attitude made it easy to be in, and enjoy, his company.
We are both stunned by this, and our deepest condolences go out to Mel, Keith's family and close friends.
Steve & Heidi
Top man nice to bump into him in Les2alps every now and again.
Condolences to Mel and Family
It was a privilege for me to have known Keith as a wonderful instructor & jokester earlier this year. Mine & Tony's best wishes go out to Mel, Arren, and his crew.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHey Neil,
ReplyDeleteJust heard the news- Please pass my love on to Mel. Kieth's love for the mountains was evident in all he did and truely infectous. He brightened up many of my days and everyone's at Kommunity .. for that I am eternally grateful. He will be dearly missed.
Much love and thinking of you Mel,
Alexa (Hohenberg) x
Hi Neil,
ReplyDeleteI just heard about Keith, I'm so shocked and sad.
Keith was such a great person and instructor, I can't believe he's gone.
Please send my love to Mel and Arren.
Alex (Irlec) Acuna
Very sad news. It has been a few seasons since riding with you guys but I still have wonderful memories of our days out. I have a very vivid memory of boarding together at the back of the Grand Montet in poor visibility, Keith screamed past us all and waited at the bottom grinning. Your words were very apt and moving Neil, clearly written by a true friend.
ReplyDeleteTake care, will be thinking of you all.
ReplyDeleteSo very sorry to hear of the tragic news...
Our deepest sympathies to Mel & Arren, you and everyone who was part of Keith's life.
RIP Keith - you will be missed. Thanks for all the laughs at Kommunity Camp back in 2003, and for helping push my riding ready for my BASI 2. My thoughts go with Mel, Arren and all of Keith's family and friends.
ReplyDeleteJohn C
hi i wonder if u can pass a message on to mel for me .i was one of keiths friends from glasgow iv not seen keith since we rode together on glencoe some years ago and we had a great day he was a solid rider ,please tell mel from donny mackay and family we are so sorry for mel and arren,s great loss . please can u put up some details of keiths funeral as we have no way of getting details .thank u rip keith mate.
ReplyDeleteKeith you were my snowboarding idol, mentor and a good friend. You taught me how to really ride, to jump(almost!), to respect
ReplyDeletethe mountain & my buddies and where to get the best hot chocolate in the world! I hope I can pass just some of this on to others.
The best rides of my life were with you and shall stay with me forever.
My thoughts are with your family and friends and my heart goes out to Mel & Arren x
Lee s.
I was deeply shocked and saddened to hear about Keith. My heartfelt condolences go out to Mel, Arren and all at Mcnabs. I was fortunate enough to ride with Keith on several occasions and it was always a pleasure and a privilege. Keith’s dedication to his sport and the passion that he inspired me, and countless others with, will live on.
ReplyDeleteDave clay